Brand HKiD per se is one of the main deliverables of a large-scale project named "Organising 'Hong Kong‧IN‧Brand Greater Bay' Serial Activities to Promote Hong Kong Brands' Collective image" ("Brand Greater Bay Project"), which is sponsored by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund of Trade and Industry Department HKSAR Government, with the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (the CMA) being the Organiser and Collaborating Organisation respectively and the CMA Exhibition Services Limited acting as Implementation Agent.
Through presenting a variety of deliverables including Brand Image Gallery, Interactive Experience Activities, Hong Kong Brand i-Directory (HKiD), Corporate Training Workshop, Company Case Study, Consumer Survey, Business Tour and Experience Sharing Seminar, the Project assists Hong Kong companies to discover the rapidly-changing consumption culture in the Greater Bay Area and endeavors to uplift the collective image and market influences of Hong Kong brands. The 36-month project commenced on 1 May 2020.
The BDC will continue to operate Brand HKiD on its own account after the "Brand Greater Bay Project" is completed in April 2023.