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Tien Chu
Brand Info
Registration Number BIDP0133
Product / Service Category Food & Beverage - Seasonings, Condiments & Cooking Oils, Food & Beverage
Time of Establishment 1929
Main Product(s) / Service(s) Monosodium Glutamate, Gourmet Powder, Seasoning Powder (Chicken Powder), Propolis, Convenience Sauce
Award (Year) Hong Kong Top Brand (2004)
Brand Profile

The Tien Chu (Hong Kong) Company Limited was founded in 1929 and was a pioneer in Hong Kong’s seasoning industry. Tien Chu is proud to have won several prestigious awards, including the "Gold Prize" at the Philadelphia Exposition, the Belgium Exposition, and the Chicago Exposition. These awards, as well as the high praise received from people across various industries, are a testament to the company's quality and craftsmanship.

Company Info
Company The Tien Chu (Hong Kong) Company Limited
Address Block B, Tien Chu Industrial Centre, 52-62 Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi, New Territories, Hong Kong
Tel no. (852) 2713 0171
Fax no. (852) 2760 8843
Main Product(s) / Service(s)
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG, Gourmet Powder, Ve-Tsin)
Tien Chu Chicken Powder
Lucky Hope Brand Sauce