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Health Harvest
Brand Info
Registration Number BIDP0320
Product / Service Category Food & Beverage - Coffee Powder, Tea, Honey & Reconstituted Beverages, Food & Beverage
Time of Establishment 2012
Main Product(s) / Service(s) Tualang Honey
Brand Profile

Health Harvest is committed to connecting people with nature and health with ecological friendly spirit. Founders of Health Harvest occasionally found the unique medicinal properties of Tualang Honey and determined to travel to the inaccessible equatorial region of Sumatra, Indonesia. They broke the obstacles of nationality and religion, bringing Tualang Honey from tropical rainforest heritage of Sumatra to the consumer goods market.

Company Info
Company Health Harvest Food Limited
Address Unit 9, 11/F, TCL Tower, 8 Tai Chung Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong.
Tel no. (852) 2476 0128
Fax no. (852) 3544 3324
Main Product(s) / Service(s)
Health Harvest Tualang Honey - Gold Honey
Health Harvest Tualang Honey - Black Honey
Health Harvest Tualang Honey - Red Honey