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Aqua Monster
Brand Info
Registration Number BIDP0337
Product / Service Category Garments, Accessories & Shoes
Time of Establishment 2020
Main Product(s) / Service(s) Swimming & Watersports Equipment
Brand Profile

The mission of Aqua Monster is to become a beloved swimwear and water sports brand among athletes and genuine sports enthusiasts in  Hong Kong. We believe that continuous research and innovation, along with a commitment to using high-quality materials in manufacturing different products, are key to the brand's success.The vision of Aqua Monster is to become a brand that all Hong Kongers can trust and take pride in. We aim to establish a respected and beloved brand locally, fostering a sense of trust and pride among the people of Hong Kong.

Company Info
Company Aqua Monster Sports Company Limited
Address Flat/ Rm 607 , 6/F Mega Trade Centre, 1-6 Mei Wan Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong
Tel no. (852) 6732 6338
Fax no. -
Main Product(s) / Service(s)
Kids Neoprene Shortsleeve 2.5mm Wet Suit
BRX Racing Mirror Goggles
Running Recovery Shoes