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Brand Info
Registration Number BIDS0274
Product / Service Category Professional & Business Service
Time of Establishment 2018
Main Product(s) / Service(s) Law Technology Service, Information Technology Service, Online Dispute Resolution and Institutional Services, Deal-making Portal
Brand Profile

eBRAM is an arbitration and mediation institution combined with Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and LawTech facilities. Our products include a Deal-making Portal facilitates business negotiations and transaction management, an ODR Platform supported by a suite of institutional services for resolving disputes, and the Hong Kong Legal Cloud designed to support lawyers based in Hong Kong. eBRAM provides a one-stop service for enterprises from the start of cross-border transactions to contract completion, and to dispute resolution if and when disputes arise. 

Company Info
Company eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited
Address Room 403, 4/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong
Tel no. (852)3792 0707
Fax no. -
Main Product(s) / Service(s)
Online Dispute Resolution and Institutional Service
LawTech Service
Deal-making Portal