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Brand Info
Registration Number BIDP0116
Product / Service Category Furniture & Household Products
Time of Establishment 1994
Main Product(s) / Service(s) Mattress, Pillow, Furniture, Seating
Award (Year) Hong Kong Top Brand (2018), Hong Kong Premier Brand (2020)
Brand Profile

HECOM offers a variety of lifestyle products, helping customers decorate a stylish home and enjoy quality sleep. The Brand provides a wide variety of stylish and practical living products, including spring mattresses, pillows, leather sofas and furniture. In Asia, the company owns 2 large-scale production locations and multiple international logistics distribution centers. HECOM has more than 300 specialty stores and its business network covers Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Company Info
Company Seven Sea Chemicals (Holdings) Ltd
Address Room 1708, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel no. (852) 2723 3333
Fax no. (852) 2723 3323
Main Product(s) / Service(s)
Electric Hinge Part Leather Sofa
Electric Hinge Part Leather Sofa
Electric Hinge Part Leather Bed